
Dab Pumps

Dab KVC Multistage Centrifugal Pumps KVC 15-80,KVC 20-80,KVC 30-80,KVC 40-80,KVC 45-80,KVC 55-80.KVC 65-80

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Vertical multistage centrifugal pump suitable for use in
small and medium water supply installations.
Suitable for pressurization units, surge tank supply, rain
irrigation and crop-dusting systems, fire-fighting and
washing systems, conveyance of condensate and cooling
water. Innovative and robust design.
Technopolymer discharge/suction bodies and in-line
suction and discharge ports with threaded metal insert.
Impellers, diffuser bodies and diffusers in technopolymer,
fully rust-proof. Stainless steel AISI 303 pump jacket,
adjustment rings and seal disk.
Carbon/ceramic mechanical seal, fitted on the AISI 303
stainless-steel drive shaft extension.
Asynchronous, closed motor cooled by external
Rotor mounted on oversized greased sealed-for-life ball
bearings to ensure silent running and long life.
Built-in thermal and current overload protection and a
capacitor permanently on in the singlephase
version. Protection for the three-phase version is the
responsibility of the user.
Built in CEI 2-3/CEI 61/69 (EN 60335-2-41) standards.


  • Level of protection: IP 55.
  • Insulation class: F.
  • Standard voltage:
  • Single-phase 220-240 V / 50 Hz.
  • Three-phase 230-400 V / 50 Hz.
  • Operating range: from 50 to 200 litre/min. with head
  • up to 113 m.
  • Pumped liquid: clean, free from solids or abrasive
  • substances, not viscous, not aggressive, not crystallised
  • and chemically neutral and close to the characteristics
  • of water.
  • Liquid temperature range:
  • from 0°C to +35°C for domestic use
  • (EN 60335-2-41 safety standards).
  • from 0°C to +40°C for other uses.
  • Maximum ambient temperature: +40°C
  • Maximum working pressure: 12 bar (1200 kPa).
  • Installation: fixed, in vertical or horizontal position.
  • Providing that the motor is positioned above the pump.
  • Special versions on request: other voltages and/or
  • frequencies.

Click here for a DAB pump size chart. 

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